Wednesday, February 24, 2016

ACSI Giving Day and 24 Hour Prayer: THANK YOU!

from Erik Ritschard, Administrator

We are SO GRATEFUL to all of you who supported us during ACSI Giving Day and our 24 Hour Day of Prayer!  Many of you prayed for us throughout the day yesterday (some of you in the middle of the night...) - THANK YOU! With your generous support we raised a little over $2000.00, which means that DPCA receives about $1800 - a huge help for us right now - and we get to contribute the remaining $200 or so to international Christian schools who are sharing the good news of the gospel with kids in their parts of the world.

What is ACSI?  DPCA is a member school in a broad and committed family of about 24,000 Christian schools around the world called the Association of Christian Schools International. ACSI schools serve about 5.5 million students, and the Association provides member schools a number of services, including professional development, teacher certification, school improvement programs, legal resources, curricular resources, standardized testing, and more.  As a school community, we've been enriched and helped over the years by our membership in ACSI, so it really is a privilege this Giving Day to be able to both receive your gifts to us, and contribute to the health of some of our fellow Christian schools overseas. If you'd like to learn a little more about the work of international Christian schools, ACSI's work in other countries, and see some examples of our shared vision and ministry of Christian schooling, check out this video:

The video is just from one country - some of the exciting things the Lord is doing through Christian schooling in Paraguay.  Imagine the multiplied results of Christian schools in the lives of students like Valeria all around the world and across the U.S.!  

We love that we can weave a call to love for God and neighbor all through every school day at DPCA.  We love that we get to share in this task with thousands of other Christian educators around the world. And we love that so many of you made time yesterday to pray for us, to make a donation, and to be partners with us.  THANK YOU!

If you didn't get a chance to join in yesterday, it's not too late! Pray for us!  You can click here to go to our prayer page.  You can click here to make a donation.  If you'd like a percentage of your donation to go to ACSI to help with schools like Valeria's overseas, tell us that in the comment section, and we will handle that part of the donation for you as well.  If you would like to learn more about ACSI, click here.  And if you want more general information about who we are and our vision at DPCA, click here.


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