Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"It Feels like Wet Dryer Lint..."

Mr. Hoppen shows how to do it...
What do you get when you mix recycled paper and water and run it through a blender?  Mr. Hoppen's 5th and 6th grade class discovered today that it turns into a pulp that "feels like wet dryer lint."  After Mr. Hoppen gave a quick demonstration, each of the students in the class then took some of that pulp, screened it, patted it out, and rolled it flat.  When it finishes drying, they'll have made new paper from old!

... and then Michael and Lily get started.

Samuel pressing out the extra water.

"It feels like wet dryer lint!"

Eli looks on as Kevin presses his paper.

 Meanwhile down the hall, our 9th and 10th grade students were also in "hands-on" mode in science today, collecting and pressing plant specimens. Biology class begins the year with the study of plants and plant life, and the students gained some active experience collecting, pressing, and cataloging their plant specimens.
Shelby works at identifying one of her specimens.
Nathan gets ready for pressing.

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