Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Mr. Ritschard, Administrator

Not long ago as I came in to school in the morning, I was struck once again by the beauty of the morning.  High mountain peaks with new snow rose above colored aspens and seemed to be proclaiming very clearly the creative and sustaining power of Almighty God. On a smaller scale, the plantings right around our front doors were showing off their autumn colors in a profusion of sunlit glory.

What have you seen today that is beautiful?  There is so much beauty in and around DPCA - and the plants and scenery, as beautiful as they are, are the least among the beautiful in our school.  We're blessed with the beauty of learning and of a new thought that brings us a little closer to understanding our great God.  We can rejoice in the beauty of our student's hearts as they find grace from day to day, and continue learning what it means to walk with Jesus.  There's the early Monday morning beauty of a small group of volunteers praying for our school, and the early Wednesday morning beauty of the staff gathering to recenter in Scripture and in prayer in the middle of each week.  Someone walking the halls here will hear the beauty of laughter, see the beauty of students working purposefully, and rejoice in the beauty of hearts growing toward the Lord.  We are blessed with beauty each and every day!

What's beautiful in your setting?  One of the elements of a grateful heart, I believe, is appreciating the beauty around us.  Let me encourage each of us to rejoice in the beautiful today, and especially to rejoice in the beauty of the Lord  - as David put it, "to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord."  (Psalm 27:4)  The more we appreciate the beauty of creation, and the beauty of the Lord, the more I think we will be blessed by a grateful and contented heart.

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